Fundamental premises
Everything is energy. Everything is composed of it and affected by it.
Every person is able to transmit and receive energy. Similar energies attract, different energies repel. This dynamic generates true communication, most of which occurs on an unconscious level.
As long as a person is alive, their energy remains connected to the body. After death, the energy is released into the ether. However, it remains for the most part connected to the energy of humanity and the planet as a whole.
The Panergelic cult is a religion that is about the consciousness, development and enhancement of each person's energy. Its main goal is the attainment of happiness as the result of an individual and collective path, as well as the greater positivization of ethereal energy so that it will affect all humanity, present and future.
Energy stratification
Panergy, or ethereal energy, is the energy present in the ether and consists of all the energies that have left the bodies and therefore the energies of all those who have died. It is an inhomogeneous whole in which two types of energy coexist:
Cohesive energies
These are the personal energies of all those in life who have achieved good levels of positivization of their personal energy. Each cohesive energy retains more aggregation and preserves more of its individuality.
Scattered energy
Consisting of the undistinguished set of energies of all those who have not achieved good levels of positivization of their personal energy.
Cohesive energy and scattered energy interact with each other like water currents.
Personal energy, or the energy of each individual person, is composed of three layers:
Basic or sedimentary energy
It depends on the historical culture of each population or geosocial area.
Median energy
It stems from the family and the education received.
Typical energy
It is the one that each individual has created for themselves in their own lives, with their own thoughts and actions.
Personal energy, at each of its layers, can have an energy charge tending toward positivity or negativity and thus transmit positive or negative signals to others, thus affecting other personal energies.
Panergy has great influence on everyone's personal energy. This influence is neither always positive nor always negative but depends on what charge it takes. This charge is determined by the personal energies it has received.
Everyone's commitment must therefore be to maximize his or her personal energy to provide Panergy with as much positive energy as possible.
Desire and will
The main factors affecting the charge of personal energy are:
It is an active concept consisting of present thoughts or actions directed toward the future that channel personal energy toward a goal, favoring its positivity. The greater the will, the greater its ability to attract similar energies and channel them all in favor of the same outcome.
This is a negative concept, connected with the lack of something. This leads to suffering and does not allow one to put in place thoughts or actions aimed at achieving the result. Like the will, it thus attracts similar energies ending up completely negating personal energy.
The wills of a plurality of people, when channeled in the same direction, strengthen each other and amplify their strength, thus constituting the collective will.
The same is true for the desires of a plurality of people, which constitute the collective desire.
These collective events make the ability to attract other and similar energies as well as the ability to attract the influence of Panergy much greater.
The process of positivization is work we do on our own personal energy.
It is possible to improve personal energy by making it more positive and thus more able to attract other positive energies.
Positivization of our personal energy will allow us able to attract more of the influence of Panergy while we are alive and, after our death, to influence it by increasing its positive charge and, consequently, its beneficial influence on present and future generations.
In addition, a positivized personal energy will remain more cohesive once it reaches Panergy. It will thus have the ability to be more attracted to the people to whom it was attached in life and, therefore, the strength to positively affect them.
The steps in the process of positivization are:
Attend positive environments and surround yourself with people charged with positive energy, moving away from those who convey negative energy instead.
Positive action
Perform positive daily actions: be kind to others, be charitable, humble, help other people, avoid all negative behaviors.
Plant trees and plants. This will help the wellbeing of other people by creating oxygen and helping environmental improvement, thus creating new positive energy.
Body care
Take care of your body by exercising of any kind and ingesting healthy food. Walking and breathing clean air.
Exercise of the will
Having and giving hope, making plans, thinking about the future. Set goals - both personal and workrelated - and strive every day to achieve them.
Attend assizes actively, making others share in your projects and achievements, inspiring other people, appreciating others' progress and abandoning envy and frustration.
Collaborate in spreading the Panergelic creed.
Positivizing one's energy is a job that becomes more difficult as one progresses from typical energy to basic energy, which is the most difficult to positivize.
When we have succeeded in positivizing our typical energy we will reach the state of tranquility.
When we have succeeded in positivizing our median energy we will reach the state of serenity.
When we have succeeded in positivizing our basic energy we will reach the state of happiness in which our energy is perfectly cohesive.
The states of tranquility, serenity and happiness attained through the process of positivization are never permanent and must therefore be pursued consistently and continuously.